Previous Opportunities


Research Data Scotland
Board Trustee with Financial Expertise

RDS’s mission is to coordinate access to the excellent data already collected about people, places, and businesses in Scotland, helping researchers and analysts to access that data in a timely and cost-effective way, enable working across boundaries to collaborate on common datasets, and access to the analytical tools they need to bring cutting edge insights that inform great decisions. We will enable research on different scales: from large international studies, to simple and quick analyses of individual datasets, and support people to use the latest data science and geospatial approaches.

Working with the CEO, and the Chair, the Board steers the delivery of the RDS mission. It oversees key decisions that the organisation takes towards that mission, and provide support for the organisation through advice, and use of its networks to ensure RDS builds connections that helps it achieve its goals.

The Board Trustee with finance expertise will chair the Audit, Risk & Finance Committee, and play an active role in all Board activities. As such, you would be expected to:


  • Scrutinise budgets, spend forecasts, financial reports, and accounts to ensure the financial resources of the organisation meet its present and future needs;
  • Give advice on an appropriate set of financial management policies;
  • Assure the Board that the appropriate accounting procedures and controls are in place;
  • Advise on the risks as the organisation delivers on its strategic plans;
  • Keep the Board informed about its financial duties and responsibilities, leading on interpreting financial data as required;
  • Contribute to the fundraising strategy of the organisation.


As a Trustee and Board member there is an expected initial two-year term to serve.

There is no salary associated with RDS Board roles, though travel and accommodation expenses attributed to the work of the Board will be reimbursed. In addition, beyond the meetings, Board members may be occasionally asked to represent RDS at events or provide specific advice on pertinent issues; remuneration may be considered for this additional work.

For a confidential discussion please contact Catriona Mackie at our recruitment partners, Aspen People, on 0141 212 7555.

Further information is available as follows:

Closing date for applications: Monday 5th December 2022