Previous Opportunities


East Kilbride
This position is now closed to applications.

As one of Scotland’s most successful colleges, South Lanarkshire College is situated in a state of the art campus in East Kilbride, the sixth biggest conurbation in Scotland. The key performance indicators for the College demonstrate that it is one of the highest performers in Scotland.

South Lanarkshire College is an assigned college to The Lanarkshire Board. The Lanarkshire Board is the Regional Strategic Body. Six members of the South Lanarkshire College Board are also members of the Regional Strategic Body. The Chair of South Lanarkshire College will establish a fruitful and productive working relationship with The Lanarkshire Board.

South Lanarkshire College’s financial returns are made through The Lanarkshire Board in an open and transparent fashion. The detail of the relationship between The Lanarkshire Board and South Lanarkshire College is laid out in The Lanarkshire Order.


The College is an active participant in the Lanarkshire Region. The governance of South Lanarkshire College lies with the Board of Management of the College which owns the estate, employs the staff and is a registered charity.

The Board of Management of the College sets the strategic direction for, works in partnership with, and is a critical friend to, the College executive.

The College had the best Higher National results across Scotland and the fourth best National Certificate results. Only one other college in Scotland secured more students successfully moving on, either to continue with their education or into employment. The College has grown 40% over the last nine years. The College has an outstanding Education Scotland report and prides itself on its student centred approach.

The College has no debt and continually produces a balanced budget.

The College is a multiple award winning organisation which was the first college in the UK to achieve Investors in People at Platinum standard.

The Chair will have a strong and personal commitment to education and the vision, values, aims and ethos of South Lanarkshire College. The Chair will be expected to display a significant commitment to the long term aspirations of the College.

The Chair should take particular care that all members of the Board of Management, including themselves, adhere to the principles of behaviour in public life (the ‘Nolan Principles’) which embrace duty, selflessness, integrity, objectivity, accountability and stewardship, openness, honesty, leadership and respect. The Chair is ultimately responsible for the sound governance of the College.


The Chair should possess:


Relevant professional expertise and knowledge in matters relevant to the successful operation of a large, diverse organisation.
Experience of chairing meetings and bringing matters to a satisfactory conclusion.
Awareness of modern regulatory environment so that legitimate scrutiny and accountability are respected and effectively discharged.


The nature of the role requires a commitment of time which is a combination of that required for the successful discharge of formal tasks but also internal support and contact which are critical to a proper discharge of the responsibilities of the position.

For the College to be successful, there must be a constructive and challenging relationship between the Chair and the College executive.


The Board led by the Chair is responsible for leading the strategic direction of the College and to ensuring that these strategic priorities are met.


Whilst there is currently no honorarium for carrying out these duties, the Chair will be able to reclaim all travelling and similar expenses incurred in the course of College business and have access to clerical support as required.

For more information and to apply visit

Closing dates for applications – Monday 9th April 2018

Interviews will take place week commencing 14th May 2018

To apply, please complete the form below and upload your CV and supporting statement.  If you don’t receive an automatic acknowledgement, please contact Melissa Scholes on 0141 212 7555.