About Us
Waverley Housing is a registered social landlord and Scottish Charity providing homes for rent within the Scottish Borders. We are a not-for-profit organisation which means that any surplus we make is reinvested back into our homes, communities and services.
Currently we own and manage around 1,440 properties and are governed by a voluntary management board. On a day-to-day basis our activities are carried out by a paid staff team comprising of 53 employees, including our own in-house trades’ team.
We are committed to providing good quality housing to meet local needs and through planned and targeted investment we aim to create strong, sustainable neighbourhoods.
We are undertaking our first development project. This is part of our investment in the re-generation of the Upper Langlee, Galashiels estate. This project comprises of refurbishing 68 existing properties and demolishing 159 flats on the estate to make way for 109 new build properties. The new build phase is due to commence late 2023.
Our employees are enthusiastic and motivated and share our vision of ‘Working Together to Make a Difference’ and our values lie at the heart of all we do:
We will treat everyone fairly and with dignity, meeting the diverse needs of our tenants and other stakeholders.
We will work together to deliver high quality services and will strive to always be open and accountable.
We will listen and communicate effectively with our tenants and other stakeholders, sharing information and responding to their needs.