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Director of Centre for Tropical Livestock Genetics & Health


The Centre for Tropical Livestock Genetics and Health (CTLGH) is a strategic livestock genetics research and development alliance established in 2014 jointly by the University of Edinburgh/Roslin Institute, Scotland’s Rural College (SRUC) and the Africa-based International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI).

Our work is about upstream discovery research guided by downstream challenges and opportunities to develop relevant solutions to provide more resilient, productive, efficient and environmentally sustainable tropical livestock production systems with main physical nodes in Edinburgh, Addis Ababa and Nairobi.

CTLGH is strengthening its ability to deliver tools, resources and other innovations in genetics, genomics, animal breeding and data science and to establish a wide range of partnerships globally to support tropical livestock genetic improvement.

With generous support from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO), the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBRSC) the Centre conducts and co-ordinates research, forms strategic alliances and facilitates collaborations in the areas of tropical livestock genetics and health.

CTLGH had made significant progress since it was established in 2014.  We are determined to ensure that the Centre will continue to leverage innovations which our respective institutions and partners have developed, to help strengthen livestock development globally.  We have leveraged our strength and focus on tropical livestock genetic improvement to set ambitious, bold and relevant goals for the next ten years building on previous CTLGH achievements and are uniquely positioned to do this.