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The Gannochy Trust - Estate Manager

The Role: Estate Manager

Salary: c.£55,000 – £61,000

The Trust’s strategic plan and estate strategy supports the objectives that were set out by AK Bell in the Trust Deed. This includes providing affordable, high-quality housing; an estate that protects and enhances green spaces and ensures good agricultural husbandry; improving community life through the use of Trust’s assets; and an efficiently run Trust through people development and management of resources. The Estate Manager works closely with the Chief Executive and Trustees to discharge these responsibilities, with particular emphasis on the management and development of the Trust’s housing and estate.

The Estate Manager will be appointed for their interest, passion and concern for the primary vision of the Trust, as well as the overall contribution they can make with their skills and knowledge to the Trust’s future development and success. He / she will have extensive knowledge and experience in property and/or estate management. The successful candidate should also have a good understanding of developing and implementing strategy as well as experience of the delivery of a range of capital and maintenance projects and work plans. The Trust are looking for an experienced and energetic individual who can work with tenants, key stakeholders and the wider community, and become an ambassador for the organisation.


Job Description and Person Specification
