Welcome to this website, and thank you for your interest in the position of non-executive Board Member, Dumfries and Galloway College. We are seeking exceptionally motivated and creative applicants to join our Board of Management, during a time of huge change for both the College itself and for the further and higher education across Scotland.
We are in the middle of a transformation journey, as set out in our Ambition 2025. We will be refreshing the strategy this year to 2030. (Ambition 2025)
The College operates across two campuses in the South West of Scotland with the main site in Dumfries on the Crichton Campus and the second serving west of the region in Stranraer. We are one of the main employers and providers of learning and training across the South of Scotland, with programmes ranging from senior-phase school partnerships to higher education at degree level. The area we serve covers 2,400 square miles with all the opportunities and challenges that brings. We are the largest provider on the multi-institutional Crichton Campus, and have strong partnerships with the University of the West of Scotland, the University of Glasgow, the Open University and Scotland’s Rural College. This unique partnership extends beyond collaborative curriculum planning and effective articulation agreements; the college also hosts a number of shared services in our modern Dumfries building, including the Campus library.
The college has focussed its curriculum provision on Health and Social Care, Enterprise, Renewables, Digital whilst maintaining a broad regional curriculum to promote access and pathways to study or employment. We are proud of our achievements and are one of Scotland’s top colleges for student satisfaction and student attainment.
Dumfries and Galloway College is one of 24 Scottish Colleges, and plays an important part in delivering the region’s and nation’s economic and social strategy and we are a key strategic partner in the region. Our progress to date has been based upon an effective relationship between the Board of Management and the Principal and Executive Leadership Team. We believe this has given us a firm foundation for the future which we hope you can see from the following information.
Please take the time to read through this website and find out more about the role and our College. I hope this provides you with all the information you require and look forward to receiving your application.
Caroline Stuart
Chair of the Board of Management