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Head of Sales and Commercial Development

About Fife Sports and Leisure Trust 

Fife Sports and Leisure Trust (hereinafter referred to as the Company) has been established to operate and manage sports and leisure facilities on behalf of Fife Council.

The purpose of the Company is to provide facilities and services for participation in sport, recreation and physical activity to the communities of Fife.  The Company is a not for profit distributing organisation, limited by guarantee, which requires that any surpluses generated are invested in improving facilities and services we provide to the communities of Fife.


Charitable Objects

The principal activity of Fife Sports and Leisure Trust (FSLT) is the provision of sport, recreation and health and wellbeing services delivered from 14 facilities on behalf of Fife Council in accordance with the following charitable objects:

  • To advance public participation in sport, primarily within the local authority area of Fife Council (“the Operating Area”);


  • To provide recreational facilities, and organise recreational activities, primarily within the Operating Area, with such facilities/activities being made available to members of the public at large with the object of improving their conditions of life;


  • To advance education, primarily within the Operating Area, in particular in relation to sports, active recreation and physical activity;


  • To advance health, primarily within the Operating Area, and in particular through sports, active recreation and physical activity;


  • To advance citizenship and or/community development, in particular, within the Operating Area;


  • To relieve those in need by reason of age, ill health, disability, financial hardship or other disadvantages; and


  • To promote, establish, operate and/or support other similar schemes and projects which further charitable purposes.


The Company began trading on 1st April 2008 and employs approximately 300 contracted employees supported by over 180 casual workers including sports coaches and instructors.

The administrative headquarters of the Company are at the Music Institute, East Port, Dunfermline, KY12 7JA.


Strategic Priorities     

FSLT is required to deliver on specific aims and objectives under three separate but linked strategic priorities:

  • Widening Opportunities

Widening Opportunities is the level of participation in sport and active recreation that is experienced by the majority. It happens at the grass roots, where people take part in physical activity simply for fun and enjoyment or to improve their health and fitness.

  • Developing Potential

Developing Potential is a process that creates opportunities and pathways which allows individuals to take up and fulfil their potential in sport. It is not just concerned with elite athletes but recognises that the opportunities to progress are important in sustaining the interest and enjoyment which will encourage people of all ages and abilities to maintain a long-term involvement with sport.

  • Resources for Sport

FSLT is committed to the ongoing development of sport and active recreation through the provision of good quality, adequately resourced facilities and services that meet the needs and aspirations of both residents and visitors to Fife. It is evident that any progress in developing sport and active recreation in Fife will be dependent on the physical, human and financial resources which are made available by a number of public, private and voluntary sector agencies, but most importantly by Fife Council and FSLT.


FSLT’s Vision and Mission

FSLT is a company whose purpose is to make a positive difference to communities by creating opportunities for people in Fife to become more active more of the time. This is achieved by the services delivered from sport centres, swimming pools, outdoor facilities and an athletics centre. Through this property portfolio our employees and partners deliver a wide range of programmes and services on a weekly basis.

Our vision is “Making a difference by delivering opportunities for people in Fife to become active”.

Our mission is “Growing the Business, Improving the Customer Experience and Making a Difference”.

Our vision and mission shape the strategic context. The strategy provides a high-level overview of what we aim to achieve and the priority actions we need to take measured against a range of desired outcomes.


For more information, please visit our website: www.fifeleisure.org.uk

Please also take a look at the recent good news stories on our website: https://www.fifeleisure.org.uk/news/

Our most recent annual accounts can be viewed HERE.